Ida Wenøe har skabt sit eget musikalske ståsted ved at sammenblande udenlandske forbilleder som Nick Drake, Joni Mitchell, Bill Callahan, Bedouine, Leonard Cohen, Vashti Bunyan og Beth Gibbons med sine danske rødder, der spænder fra traditionel folkemusik over Højskole-sangbogen og komponister som Carl Nielsen og Sebastian til en tydelig inspiration fra engelsk folk.
Siden udgivelsen af debutalbummet “Time of Ghosts” i 2015 har Wenøe spillet hundredvis af koncerter over hele Europa og Nordamerika. Hendes musik har været spillet på bl.a. Danmarks Radio, BBC 6 Music og BBC Radio 4 i England, og KEXP og WXNA i USA.
Ida Wenøe arbejder med en fortættet historiefortælling, hvor hun ofte bruger naturen som inspiration. Stemmen har både nerve og styrke, og trækker tråde til 60’ernes og 70’ernes folk-traditioner, men giver alligevel altid musikken sit helt eget touch. Akkompagnementet er kendetegnet ved subtilt men insisterende guitarspil, flankeret af violin, kontrabas og fløjter, og ikke mindst svævende vokalharmonier.
Efter det meget roste album “The Things We Don’t Know Yet” fra 2019 udkom Idas seneste album “Undersea” i 2023 til flotte internationale anmeldelser og airplay på BBC Radio og mange mindre radiostationer over hele verden. Udgivelsen er blevet fulgt op af koncerter i Sverige og Danmark, og i efteråret 2024 en længere tour i England og Wales.
Hun har desuden udgivet en EP og et minialbum i et kreativt samarbejde med Samantha Whates “Whates & Wenøe”, hvor det seneste “Loopy & Esther” udkom 15. november 2024 til airplay i både England og USA. I 2021 vandt hun en Danish Music Award som “Årets Danske Roots Kunstner”.
Ida Wenøe & The Wondrous Sea – lineup:
Ida Wenøe – vokal, guitarer
Hal Parfitt-Murray – violin, mandolin, viola da gamba og kor
Samantha Whates – tværfløjte og kor
Frederik Mensink – kontrabas
Et par citater fra anmelderne om Ida Wenøe:
“Dansk Singer Songwriter lader naturen få lov at støje på vellykket album” (Trinelise Væring, GAFFA ****, Nov. 1st 2023)
“An album to be experienced in tranquillity, a musical Reiki for the soul that offers a view of life that, like the ocean, can be often filled with mystery and darkness, but “when the light hits its surface, it can be the most golden thing existing”. Immerse yourself. (Mike Davies, Folk Radio UK, Oct. 3rd 2023)
“Sæt dig godt til rette, luk øjnene og lyt til ord og melodier, og du kan nemt drømme dig væk til naturen ved hav og skov” (Per Dyrholm, Rootszone, Oct. 23rd, 2023)
“Med dette album tager Ida Wenøe os med på en følelsesmæssig og musikalsk dykkertur ned i de skjulte dybder af vores sind og naturens kraft, og resultatet er en lytteoplevelse, der er både dybt personlig og dybt fortryllende” (Frederikke Pedersen, Bands of Tomorrow, Oct. 6th, 2023)
“Ida Wenøe seriously is the complete package today and I know what’s going to be occupying the car’s stereo for the next few months” (David Bentley, Nordic Music Central, Oct. 6th 2023)
“If we needed a powerful isolation hymn, this is it. And Ida Wenøe proves once again, that she is the queen of acoustic noir music.” (Good because Danish, May 31st 2021)
“Ida Wenøe har lavet en fortryllende musikvideo til den smukke single “Echoes”, der giver den organiske sang en ny dimension. Tjek den ud!”
(Bands of Tomorrow, May 27th 2021)
“This really is a powerful single, instantly contemporary sounding but also so classic – calling to mind some of the best vintage sounds I miss in the music of today. What’s not to love? Exceptionally well-crafted as always…hold on to tour seat.” Folk Radio UK (May 26th 2021)
“There is a blend of ‘House of the Rising Sun’ energy and First Aid Kit vibes on this new release as the gentle beginning is given a boost by the rattling drums and softly pumping bass line. Throw in an almost medieval approach to song writing and that voice (oh my, what a voice!?) and you’ve got yourself the kind of tune that stands tall on its own but would work brilliantly in a film soundtrack over the kind of scene where someone has to make a choice for the greater good even though it rips their heart in to a million and one pieces.” Listen With Monger (May 26th 2021)
“It’s impossible not to connect to a voice that sings out so plain and so clear, words flow and spiral with a freedom and ease that cuts against content and meaning. Behind them, a soft mix of plucked strings and keys spin a weave of clean intimate sounds; they can swell, they can build, lean on drums and fall back, they produce the song’s smooth sense of movement.”
Rats on the Run, (September 15th, 2020)
“Ida Wenøe combines mature musical craftsmanship with a very personal message and shares pieces of her soul with the listener. Every song feels like a friendly, well-meaning advice. It is humble and honest, so it stays with me long after.”
Good because Danish (September 21st, 2020)
“In the perfect blend of vulnerability and polyrhythmic joy, we are delivered a poignant reminder.’“
Listen to Discover, August 28th 2020)
“Både singlen og videoen er super fin, og vi er meget stolte over at kunne vise det til vores læsere som de første. God fornøjelse.”
(Liva Duus Thorlacius, Bands of Tomorrow, August 26th 2020)
“Wenn man sich schon bei den ersten Klängen in einen Track verliert und dann weiter und weiter durch diesen getragen wird, dann hat es der Künstler sein Werk mit Bravour vollbracht.” (Nina Paul, The Mellow Music, August 28th 2020)
“Ida Wenøe spiller klassisk folk med en vibe af blød 50’er rock. Hendes lyd er varm og opløftende, med stor kærlighed til det rå og upolerede. Hun er en sanger og sangskriver med lysende øjne, ærefrygt for Leonard Cohens legendariske sangtekster, og hun finder stor inspiration i filmskaberen David Lynches mørke film noir-univers i kultserien Twin Peaks.” (Denni Ian, Fine Spind, 3. oktober 2019)
“The songs on this album have depth and breadth. Her musicianship is obvious, with her multi-layered harmonies and the range of instruments she plays on the recording. She has her own sound, but she’s recognisably Scandinavian, with that ability to create optimistic and even pop songs out of loss and heartbreak.” (Penny Black Music, July 4th, 2019)
“I’ve written too much, but ‘The Things We Don’t Know Yet’ has made such an impact, with 9 tracks that are so distinct in their own right, individually crafted and textured musically, all with the most thoughtful of words to accompany it. Ida Wenøe is able to create such intensity and command such presence through her quiet, delicate vocals and guitar – with the sparsest of instrumental support.” (Nordic Music Review – Album of the week, April 30th 2019)
“This is destined to be a regular ‘go-to’ album for those moments when I need music to soothe or transport.
Delightful album, pretty well flawless” (Music News, Andy Snipper, April 12th 2019)
“I could go on and on about each of the songs on the record, about what I feel, what I see when I listen to them, but I leave that to each of you – go through “The Things We Don’t Know Yet” on your own and take what you need from it. Ida Wenøe gives you plenty of space and time in sharing herself and her music on this album.”
(Good because Danish, Arletta, April 15th 2019)
“She describes the album as about reminding people to take time to think and to know love properly, to look inside and realise that what you have may be worth more than what you’re chasing, to find the patience to be in and enjoy the moment instead of always seeking for the next one. Take a breath, soak it in and be touched by its magic.”
(Folk Radio UK, Mike Davies, April 11th 2019)
“Ida Wenøe’s songs blend a Nordic Noir heritage with hints of Americana and English folk. Inspired by a scene in the ‘Twin Peaks Roadhouse,’ the new single might appeal to fans of Julia Jacklin, Daughter and Odetta Hartman. Actually, in the week in which I wrote about Jenny Lewis I hear quite a lot in Ida’s voice that reminds me of Lewis’ debut album ‘Rabbit Fur Coat’. If you’re anything like me it will take a couple of hearings really to get into this but she will hook you in eventually.”
God is in the TV, David Bentley, April 1st. 2019)
“Wenøe’s voice soars with emotion at the turning point, as echoing vocals reverberate on the contrast between hate and love; “I hate to hate, I’d rather wait on love.” (Get In Her Ears, March 16th 2019)
“We are alongside Ida Wenøe in her musical journey as a solo artist from the very beginning and seeing her grow and re-discover herself in the process is one of the reasons running Good because Danish is so much fun. With her new single “Another Kind of Love” Ida shows us a melancholic and sort of sorrowed face, adding a hint of disturbance with a beautiful video clip by Zarko Ivetic.” (Good because Danish, Arletta, March 15th 2019)
” Ida’s emotionally moving voice, which is out of this world, contrasts so innocently against what unfolds on screen, a Lynchian Nordic Noir road trip. Genius…” (Folk Radio UK, Alex Gallacher, March 9th 2019)
“There’s so much to like about this song, and actually I think it’s probably the vocals that really make it special. At times the instrumentation is sparse and all you can here is that voice, which has this comforting, absorbing and authoritative quality that makes you want to turn up the gentle melody. And at close to 4 1/2 minutes it feels a substantial song, too, building subtly in volume and intensity – I think the style and pace just gives it a really ‘classy’ feel.” (Nordic Music Review, March 4th 2019)
“As a complete debut work, “Time Of Ghosts” is an astonishing achievement. There is ebb, there is flow. There is serenity, there is climactic sonance. This is the world of Ida Wenoe, and it’s a world where culture, music, imagination and influence collide. What happens is a magic borne of latent talent, and a willingness to explore the musical recesses that are often left untouched and unexplored by less inventive songwriters. There are those that follow and then there are those that lead. Ida Wenoe is firmly in the latter category, and “Time Of Ghosts” is a stunning attestation to that fact.” (Ken Brown, FATEA Magazine)
“Trods sin melankolske tone er der noget næsten eventyrligt over albummet, der på én måde kan få lytteren til at drømme sig væk til et andet univers, men som man samtidig kan relatere til.” (Bands of Tomorrow)
“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard an artist perfectly capture the distinctive sound of late ’80s/early ’90s folk-pop—that kind of glassy glaze that cuts right to your core—but Danish singer/songwriterIda Wenøe has done just that with her emotionally-charged and uplifting new album Time Of Ghosts. And as great as the full LP is, this listener keeps returning again and again to the Jane Siberry-like title track.” (Nordic Spotlight)
“Gentle violin sounds here and there, guitar as the base of every composition and Ida’s vocals fulfilling the space in between sounds with vibrant energy and melancholy. Ida Wenøe’s music is intoxicating.Her voice has the character and the songs combine an extreme feminine delicacy and fragility with a message to stay strong and move on.” (Good because Danish)